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Dental Lab for Night Guards & Splints

Guards with less chairtime and fewer adjustments

Night guards
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Take some time to learn more about taking your practice digital with the nations first and only digital dental lab.

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Explore all Dandy splints and guards
  • Hard/Soft 3D Printed Night Guards
  • Hard night guard
  • Soft Night Guard
  • Astron CLEARsplint Night Guard
  • Hard/Soft Night Guard
  • NTI Splint
  • Anterior Deprogrammer
  • Dawson B-Splint
  • Gelb Appliance
Hard/Soft 3D Printed Night Guards
Hard/Soft 3D Printed Night Guards
A harmonizing combination of strength to fight bruxism with softening thermodynamic flexibility for cloud-like comfort.
Explore 3D printed night guards
Hard night guard
Hard night guard
Our hard night guards are thermoformed and are completely hard material. Hard occlusal guards provide more protection for the most severe cases of clenching and bruxism.
Explore Hard Night Guards
Soft Night Guard
Soft Night Guard
Soft night guards are comfortable and highly effective in preventing jaw pain, soreness, teeth damage, and headaches. This material is best for the most mild cases of clenching and bruxism.
Explore Soft Night Guards
Astron CLEARsplint Night Guard
Astron CLEARsplint Night Guard
Astron night guards have a similar strength to our hard night guards, but can be head adjusted, which can help provide the patient with a more comfortable fit. Our Astron guards can be casted or milled.
Explore CLEARSplint night guards
Hard/Soft Night Guard
Hard/Soft Night Guard
Hard/Soft night guards (dual-laminate) take a special machine that combines heat and pressure to fuse two layers together. Our hard/soft night guards are thermoformed, and consist of a hard outer layering with a soft lining on the inside, which gives the night guard good durability, while also providing more comfort than a typical hard material night guard.
Explore Dual-Laminate night guard
NTI Splint
NTI Splint
An NTI device is a small unobtrusive device on the anteriors that avoids occlusion of the posterior teeth to inhibit bruxism and relieve stress. NTIs mainly cover only teeth #6-9 on the maxillary arch. NTIs are used to prevent any form of bruxism and are used to treat TMJ cases where the root cause is a muscle problem or to relieve the pain of temporal headache patients.
Explore NTI splints
Anterior Deprogrammer
Anterior Deprogrammer
An anterior deprogrammer is a device that covers the entire arch and discludes the posteriors via an anterior ramp to retrain jaw muscles and prevent bruxism.
Explore Anterior Deprogrammer
Dawson B-Splint
Dawson B-Splint
A B-splint is a device that covers both arches and avoids occlusion of the posteriors to inhibit bruxism and relieve stress while allowing horizontal movement.
Explore b-splints
Gelb Appliance
Gelb Appliance
A Gelb appliance is a device that sits on the posteriors and repositions to the mandible to control the positioning of the jaw and avoid excess force. In addition to controlling the positioning of the jaw, it also maintains the mandible arch shape. It brings the condyle into a more anterior, resulting in an inferior position in the fossa, and increases the vertical opening, which can relieve pain.
Explore Gelb appliances

Night Guards & Splints with Dandy

Durability with comfort that patients love

Increase case acceptance and offer your patients night guards they won’t mind wearing every night. With Dandy, you have access to industry-leading materials. Our Hard/Soft 3D printed night guard with thermodynamic technology makes for a comfortable fit that patients love.

dental lab night guard

Add a digital night guard in one click

Digital workflows make adding a night guard to restorative cases as easy as one click. Add a night guard to your crown, implant or other restorative cases to help protect opposing dentition. Plus, we save scans so reordering is easier than ever before.

Treatment plans to fit every patient

Increase your practice’s profitability

Bruxism and TMJ cases are on the rise and adding digital night guards is a great insurance policy on that new crown or implant you just seated. Dandy makes it easy to offer night guards without adding extra work or appointments.

Increase practice profits by offering night guards

Explore Dandy dental lab night guard resources:

Explore Hard/Soft 3D printed night guards

Click here to learn more
Night Guards

Night Guards: Learn about materials and best use cases

Digital Night Guards

Digital night guards: Save chairtime and improve patient comfort

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Frequently asked questions

How does Dandy deliver night guards? Do they come in a case?

Yes – case and models are included in Dandy night guards.

Does Dandy offer thermoplastic “thermofit” night guards?

If you are looking for a night guard that is thermodynamic, then yes. Our Hard/Soft 3D Printed is a great option for this. Contact our team to learn more!

Does Dandy offer night guards that can be adjusted when placed into hot water?

Yes, our Hard/Soft 3D Printed Night Guards are adjustable after being placed in hot water

Is there a certain material Dandy would recommend for a serious grinder/clencher that is having serious TMJ issues?

For the most serious cases of bruxism a doctor should use Hard material with 4mm thickness.

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Are you a Dentist or a Dental Practice Owner? Dandy is here to help you run your practice

View Dandy splint and guard turnaround times

Looking for information on materials and turnaround times? Download our product guide for more information on our clear aligner offering.

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