Event Details
Location: Warwick Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA
Conference Dates: April 4-6, 2024
Dandy Booth#: Coming soon@
Why Dentists trust Dandy
Dandy is a dental lab that makes it easy to go from PVS and alginate impression molds to digital impressions at no cost to you.
Course Agenda
A comprehensive approach for the restoration of anterior and posterior teeth with all ceramic veneers, onlays and crowns. The emphasis is on adhesive, minimally invasive tooth-coloured restorations: from treatment planning, through preparation, impression taking, provisionalisation and final cementation/finishing. Cutting edge, evidence-based theoretical knowledge presented in a practical no-nonsense way.
What you will learn:
- Ultimate isolation for indirect preparation and cementation
- Biomimetic principles in relation to tooth reduction, margin design and finishing
- Which margin, when and why? Vertical Margin Design.
- Immediate Dentin Sealing and Gingival Margin Elevation for optimal adhesion
- The Pillars of Adhesive Preparation Design: make your in vivo preps approach in vitro bond strengths
- The Concept of Ferrule (Vertical and Horizontal)
- Tissue Management for long-term periodontal health
- Impression Taking (materials, trays and techniques)
- Conditioning of Intaglio…not all materials are equal.
- Which cement and why…simple usable day-to-day protocols
- Cementation and Finishing Procedures for invisible margins.
- Provisionals for minimal preparation ceramic